CFIDS - holistic view
CFIDS - holistic view
by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf
The aura as an energetic protective shell
Man as a whole
In order to be able to understand the chronical fatigue syndrome in its whole variety, as usual in the naturopathy - you have to regard man as multi-dimensional entireness consisting of body, mind and spirit (1). The extensive symptom complex shows quite clearly beside physical also mental (psychological) and mental up to spiritual symptoms. This alone already shows the fact that CFIDS is not a conventional "disease" and that classical-school medical measures alone will not help. The search for the causes will further show us that also an additional dimension of the human existence plays an important role, i.e. the body-own energy field. In the esoteric literature this energy field was always called the aura. The natural science, which could prove existence of this energy field in the meantime, speaks of the bio photon field or of the ultra weak cell radiation. It is scientifically proven that the state of this energy field correlates with the state of health. Thus, before we may enter into the details of CFIDS, we must talk some words about the aura.
The aura as an energetic protective shell
It is to be owed to today's refined measuring procedures of biophysics that science could prove the existence of the aura in the meantime. Nearly each human organ is surrounded by its own magnetic field (2). Furthermore, living matter is continuously surrounded by a weak radiation of light, which is based on the rules of quantum physics and proceeds mainly from the DNA (Desoxyribonucleic acid). This molecule, which takes the form of a wound double helix, as well known, is due to this form an ideal electromagnetic antenna, which may serve as transmitter and receiver. Furthermore, the DNA may store absorbed light radiation in each cell of our body, according to the results of most modern research. This memory mechanism is based on the characteristic of the DNA to be superconducting at normal body temperature. Each DNA molecule is surrounded by a light field, a so-called Soliton wave (3).
Latest research from Russia came to the result that the information absorbed with the light (e.g. the information, which was impressed to an electromagnetic wave for the purpose of technical data communication - radio, television, telecommunications etc.) is understood and processed by the DNA, no matter whether this information is beneficial for the body or not. (More in our article "The Biological Chip in our Cells")
Thus the human aura field becomes the sixth sense of man, more exactly: a further communication organ. Using our electromagnetic radiant emittance - the body-own magnetic field and the bio photon radiation - we interact with the radiant emittance of other organisms, and, in addition, with the energy fields of earth (earth's magnetic field, Schumann frequencies (4)) and in present time of course with technical energy fields too. It is therefore no miracle that on one hand the constantly increasing wireless telecommunications, on the other hand the geophysical changes now happening on earth, are registered and to reactions by the human energy field and that they lead to reactions in body, mind and spirit. Likewise it is not amazing that these subtle changes are especially noticed by sensitive people. The effects become apparent both via the brain and the subconciousness, as well as directly via DNA communication in the body cells.
The seven main chakras of the human aura.
In esoteric these connections are well-known for centuries, and particularly spiritual people could often even notice them. Long time only scientific confirmation was missing. Thus we know for a long time that the auras of people not only differ from each other, but that also the energy radiation of humans is subject to a constant change during the life, thus it is a dynamic parameter. Even if in esoterical view the principal parts of the aura are located outside of space and time in a higher dimension, it has without doubt portions of electromagnetic nature, which are recordable with the terms of well-known physics. Due to this, the aura can be essentially characterized by three characteristics (5):
A. Colour or frequency of the aura
This is a parameter that probably indicates something as the degree of spiritual development of someone. Beside the main color, which slowly changes during life, additional colors usually arise in the aura, e.g. at the energy vortices of the Indian medicine, the chakras, but also locally in places with increased probability of disease. Altogether the human aura represents no purely monochromatic oscillation, but a frequency spectrum. Also in different aura layers different colors arise.
Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Parameter, der vermutlich so etwas wie den Entwicklungsgrad des Menschen angibt. Neben der Hauptfarbe, die sich im Verlaufe des Lebens nur langsam verändert, treten in der Regel im Aurabild zusätzliche lokale Farben auf, z. B. an den Energiewirbeln der indischen Medizin, den Chakren, aber auch an Stellen mit erhöhter Krankheitsdisposition. Insgesamt repräsentiert die menschliche Aura also keine rein monochromatische Schwingung, sondern ein Frequenzspektrum. Auch in verschiedenen Auraschichten treten unterschiedliche Farben auf.
B. Thickness of the aura
Like every electromagnetic field in physics the human aura extends in principle to infinity in all directions. This expresses in scientific terms the esoterical view that everything is connected with everything. However the field strength always decreases with increasing distance. Now, aura thickness is the range, where the aura is still perceptible for other people. The more largely this range is, the more largely is the sphere of influence of someone resp. the range covered by his perception with the aura.
C. Form of the aura
Both the observations of aura viewing sensitives and modern biophysical measurements resulted in the same fact: that the energy field of humans does not always surround the body completely and smoothly, but that it in some places bulges or even holes may be found. As rule of thumb we may say that the energy content of the aura is the larger, the more completely and more smoothly this field encloses the body. Physically we call this the field density, i.e. how near the lines of flux enclose the source of the field.
Thus the question already clarifies itself, why the subtle causes responsible for CFIDS are frequently particularly strongly noticed by sensitive and spiritual people. The reason is that the aura of these people did not develop evenly in all three parameters:
The frequency (and/or color) of the aura of sensitives is usually quite high, which makes these humans resonancable to more influences, than it is the case with other people with lower frequency. Spiritual training, e.g. Meditation or Yoga, usually also increase the aura thickness, i.e. these people stretch their unconscious communication feelers much further into their environment, than it corresponds to the average. We know about cases, where people are so sensitive that they cannot sleep at night if in Southeast Asia a volcano breaks out, although they live in Germany.
But the aura form, which determines the energy content and concomitantly the energetic strength, is often only badly developed. Such an aura with holes is anything but not the often-quoted "protective shell of light".
The reason is that in the aura field - we already mentioned it with the DNA - information is stored too. The aura interacts with the aura of another humans or with its environment and thus takes up electromagnetic radiation that always contains information. If this information is coherent with the own, thus the frequencies agree good and are the waves in phase, then it comes to a resonance. The energy of the aura increases by admission of this radiation. But if the information is disharmonic to our own, then the interference of the waves leads to a mutual extinction.
Everyone noticed sometimes during his life that there are people being "on the same wavelength" with him, as if they would understand each other without words. But with others he may argue with words as much as he wants, no communication takes place. Sometimes we feel internally strengthened and enriched during a meeting with another people, another time weakened and leached out.
Not only that disharmonic contacts lead to losses of energy in the aura (so-called blockades) - the information will be taken up by our hereditary substance, the DNA, together with the light energy and then will be processed in the cells, although it disturbs our own frequencies and this way is detrimental to our health. Thus the blockades are reproduced even by ourselves on cell level by the replication of the DNA, so they may “live” extremely long. Usually people carry loads from their whole life and in extreme cases even from earlier lives in their aura field. Of course for more sensitive people this is true too, and due to their higher susceptibility the effects become conscious even more quickly, and additionally they are also more vulnerable due to their larger openness in the aura range.
Not only contact with other people leads to such an interaction, but also contact with the earth itself, whose magnetic field and resonance frequencies are also subject to large local fluctuations. Thereby the phenomenon of geomanty might be explainable, why people classify some places as "places of the power" and other places rather as "negative"(6).
Nowadays the contact with technical energy fields has to be added as third aspect, which of course may be particularly harmful. Here especially telecommunication is concerned, since for the wireless transmission of cell phone discussions frequencies are used, which lie directly in the range of the resonance frequency of the DNA. Thus we may store contents of of any telephone call in our cells without even noticing it, and process its information, only because we passed through a "salad of waves".
Consciousness in the population for "electrical smog" is surely already quite pronounced today. Therefore it must be pointed out that both communication with the natural radiant emittances of the earth or other people may contribute to the CFIDS problem with same strength.
CFIDS and Spirituality
Since CFIDS is a symptom complex, concerning particularly frequently people who classify themselves as "spiritual", it is hardly amazing to regain a whole number of these symptoms also in today's esoteric literature. There, however, you will not read about the chronical fatigue syndrome, but about "symptoms of the global transformation process", which the earth and humans living on earth have to go through, in order to develop a so-called "light body".
As we saw, this image is quite correct, however in these informations, mostly “channelled” from spiritual sources they are placed into a wrong context, what is not far from purposeful disinformation (7). In unawareness of the physical and physical fundamentals in such writings is stated very often that these symptoms are expression of the "work on our light body", which is accomplished by higher spiritual or "extraterrestial" beings and of course is "only for our own good". (see our story "CFIDS - Syndrom: Challenge for science, prototype for mind control").
Nevertheless we cannot totally ignore these publications, since they are believed by many social classes, due to the esoteric context - often uncritical -, and there lies a danger, which should be removed by clarification, because people are suggested here, their symptoms would be an indication for the fact that they are something “special”. For good of their own development they would have to arrange themselves with their symptoms. Explicitly people are advised not to consult a physician or a natural healer.
It remains open, who takes profit from such publication and who possibly launched it to the public. Fact is that thereby the clearing-up of the true background of CFIDS is inhibited just between the concerned people. So this doesn’t promote a "spiritual development", but rather helps them, who would like very much to cover up harmful influences of certain technical facilites.
It is beyond any doubt that in modern times, even without the existence of cell phones, HAARP antennas or electromagnetic weapons, CFIDS would exist too. The geophysical changes, which take place at present on earth, may cause the same symptoms, and it is rather probable that on end of the adjustment process to the changed environmental conditions mankind could develop higher sensitivity and spirituality (and additionally will again feel good). Technology only accelerates a development, which would exist anyway.
The fact that our terrestrial conditions change and we all gradually have to adapt to them, may contain as consequence that there probably never will be a classical "cure" against CFIDS. But it also does not mean that it would not be permitted to us to try anything to reduce pain during this transition period. The goal of all mankind is development of a higher consciousness, but not to suffer from pain.
In addition the CFIDS syndrome is such multilayered that a medical layman is not able under any circumstances to find out himself whether this syndrome is really present or not. A set of similar symptoms may occur, as seen, also with dangerous, partly even compulsorily notifiable infections, in addition, if someone suffers from CFIDS for a long time he may deliver cancer, impact accumulations or neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer, so that the this may not be underestimated by any means. The consultation of a qualified therapist who knows enough about CFIDS is highly recommended!
There are some possibilities, which enable us to help CFIDS patients by therapeutic intervention as far as possible, and additionally everyone should do something for his welfare. For a spiritually interested person however the question could rise now, whether and how he/she can do something also on this level to support the transformation process. The answer is “Yes”, of course, and it gives people a much more active, self-responsible role to everyone, than it is the case in the “channelled” messages quoted above.
(1) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: Dialog mit dem Unsichtbaren. Der achtdimensionale Überraum als Ursprungsort paranormaler Phänomene. Frankfurt 1991.
(2) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: Zaubergesang. Geheimnisvolle Erdfrequenzen - der Schlüssel zur Wetter- und Gedankenkontrolle. München 1998.
(3) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: The Biological Chip in our cells.
(4) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: Zaubergesang. a.a.O.
(5) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: Dialog mit dem Unsichtbaren. a.a.O.
(6) Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf: Das Erbe von Avalon. Verborgenes Wissen in den europäischen Mysterien wiederentdeckt. München 1996.
(7) Reindjen Anselmi: Der Lichtkörper. Ein Überblick über den globalen Transmutationsprozeß. Santa Maria Calanca. 1997.