Sunday, July 23, 2006

Door to reality

Door to reality

Stop the world
within a whirlwind of emotion,
whose job it is take you away from reality.
Exit thought - Stop the world.
Watch from the eye of the storm
how the whipping internal winds revel in chaos,
in stirring the dust,
in obscuring the scene.
And then - Self remembering.
Become the state
of Self.
Then look again
to the eye
to the winds
to the instigator of this inner storm.
Look again and see
it's yours, but not you.
Your gut is wrenched,
your mouth open and taught with pain,
your eyes pressed and overflowing.
You weep.
And then Self remembering.
Feel yourself the channel of the pain.
Is it yours?
But it's not you.
Then remember yourSelf.
Without thought,
as Essence.
And then,
bring your attention to the instigator of the storm.
Only then can you see reality.
Only then is love.


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